
  Iwama Ryu
  Morihiro Saito Sensei
  Hitohiro Saito Sensei
  Mehmet S. Dogu
  Aiki Shuren Dojo Istanbul
  The Article Of Doshu
   Moriteru Ueshiba
  A Memorial Address for
   Saito Sensei by
   T.K. Chiba, 8th dan Shihan
  Uchideshi System
  Iwama Ryu Buki
  Statement of
   Hitohiro Saito Sensei
  Is O-Sensei Really
   the Father of Modern Aikido?

Saito Sensei with o�lu ile...

�al��ma Program�
Pazartesi 19:30 - 21:00
Sal� 19:30 - 21:00
�ar�amba 19:30 - 21:00
Per�embe 19:30 - 21:00
Cuma 19:30 - 21:00
Cumartesi 11:00 - 12:30
Pazar -
Pazartesi 07:00 - 08:00
Sal� 07:00 - 08:00
�ar�amba 07:00 - 08:00
Per�embe 07:00 - 08:00
Cuma 07:00 - 08:00

Aiki Shuren Dojo Istanbul
�elebi Mehmet Cad. Atasoy Apt. No:20 Emniyetevleri
4. Levent / Istanbul
For information about Dojo:
Av. Mehmet S. Dogu
Office: +90 212 234 51 83


Aiki Shuren Dojo - Iwama - Japan

The above mentioned picture of Aiki Shuren Dojo seen in the above photo was the dojo which was established by O-Sensei after he settled in Iwama village, Ibaraki region, at 1942.

 Morihiro Saito Sensei became the student of O-Sensei and joined Aiki Shuren Dojo in 1946.

Saito Sensei stayed together with O-Sensei until his death in 1969 for 23 years. Saito Sensei was the only student of O-Sensei who stayed with him this long.

 After O-Sensei died in 1969, the management of Aiki Shuren Dojo, and taking care of Aiki Jinja (Aiki Temple) was left to Saito Sensei.

 After Saito Sensei died on May 2002, the control of the dojo has passed to his son Hitohiro Saito Sensei. Hitohiro Saito Sensei left Aikikai Foundation and set up his own organization in November 2003, thereupon the management of the dojo passed to Aikikai Foundation again. (Please see at the home page the related article named Statement of Hitohiro saito Sensei)

 During the period under Saito family�s management, the dojo where the Traditional Aikido - Iwama ryu Aikido was taught, could be visited and joined only by reference. At that period, the Aikido shown was traditional Aikido, strictly devoted to O-Sensei�s Aikido. Classes were taught only by Saito Sensei and his son Hitohiro Saito Sensei.   

 After the change of management back to Aikikai Foundation, the same system of Aikikai Foundation hombu dojo commenced and every class was given by a different instruction. The Aikido done has be come �modern aikido� in connection with hombu dojo. The traditional application and acceptance method was deserted and �who pays, joins the class� method is being applied. 

After the management passed to Aikikai Foundation the name of the dojo was converted to as �Aikikai Ibaraki Dojo�

The traditional Aikido � Iwama ryu Aikido training is still continued in Hitohiro Saito Sensei�s dojo in Iwama, named �Tanrenkan�. In this dojo,   O-Sensei�s traditional Aikido and uchi-deshi system is continued and reference is needed for acceptance.


�Tanrenkan� dojo

Kamiza of �Tanrenkan� dojo


�Iwama Shinshin Aiki Shuren Kai� amblemi


Aiki Shuren Dojo � Istanbul was established by Mehmet S�tk� Dogu upon request of Morihiro Saito Sensei and started its activity at the year of 2000.

It is the first and only dojo in Turkiye training Iwama ryu Takemusu Aikido (Traditional Aikido).

Students are also accepted with reference and preliminary meeting to this dojo where uchi-deshi system exists and traditions of Iwama, Japan are followed.



Iwama Shinshin Aiki Shuren Kai
Iwama Ryu Takemusu Aikido Ana Organizasyonu

Ai Hanmi
�apraz durus

Aiki Jo
Aikido'ya �zg� sopa �alismasi

Aiki Ken
Aikido'ya �zg� kili� �alismasi

Aikikai Hombu Dojo
Aikikai vakfinin merkez dojosu

Hayati noktalara yap�lan vuru�

Tahta k�l��

Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu
Jujutsu okulu ve aikido tekniklerinin ��k�� noktas�

Deguchi, Onisaburo (1871-1948)
Morihei Ueshiba'n�n d���ncelerine kuvvetli etkisi olan dini Omoto tarikat�n�n ruhani lideri

Gyaku Hanmi
Kar�� duru�

�e�it, de�i�ik

Teknik �e�idi

�lk e�itim


Omuzdan tutu�

Tek el ile kar��dakinin bile�inden tutu�


Ruh veya enerji

Kobukan Dojo
Morihei Ueshiba'n�n Tokyo, Shinjuku'da yer alan sava�tan �nceki dojosu

Solunum metodu; nefer geli�tirme, ki ve sa�lam pozisyon egzersizi

�apraz elle tutu�

S�zl� e�itim

�ki elle tutu� (iki elle tek el tutulur)

G���sten tutu�