Uchideshi System
Uchideshi is meant to be in-house student in Japanese traditional education and training. The in-house student stays day and night in the dojo and trains constantly.
In addition to the martial arts training, at other times, the student works in farming, other garden works and dojo works. The student also helps Sensei with the in-house works of Sensei.
Iwama Dojo (Ibaraki Aiki Shuren Dojo)
Iwama dojo is one of the few traditional dojos left today in Japan. It is theplace where you have experiences which will effect your understanding of martial arts forever. It is only possible to go to Iwama dojo with an introduction letter written by an Iwama-ryu instructor. One must train at least siz months in a local Iwama-ryu dojo, before an application to be made to stay in Iwama dojo, Japan. Those who are interested may contact Istanbul aiki Shuren dojo in this respect.
Istanbul Dojo (Istanbul Aiki Shuren Dojo)
Uchi-deshi system olsa exists in this dojo which practices in Istanbul and is the only Iwama-ryu dojo in Turkiye. Those who are interested may contact Istanbul Aiki Shuren dojo to introduce themselves and to get further information.